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fortunica - Tarot & Medium 4.1
adviqo AG
Are they the one? Should you take that job?Feeling confused and do not know what to do? Do not worry -fortunica connects you with experienced spiritual advisors who willhelp you to make the right decision.fortunica - Helping you with the most important life decision, forless than a cup of coffee.• Receive daily advice and support for your decisions.• Get answers about love, life, relationships, and career.• Deal with grief or difficulties with guidance from professionalpsychic advisors.fortunica - get advice and solutions for your every-day life. Theonly psychic advice app that has been featured in over 17 countriesand solved over. Want to clear you mind? Need an answer rightnow?• Get 3 questions for the price of one, with our promotionalstarter pack!What are our users saying?"Been using this app 2 years ago with many advisors, always cateredwith predictions and it is never sugar coated, it is as itis.""This app really works !! I recommend it to anyone who has aserious question about their future. Really great, I love it!""Fast accurate and to the point. Worth every penny "Every psychic is unique.• Choose from a variety of spiritual advisors such as astrologers,psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, tarotists or fortune-tellers.Browse the various profiles, check all the info, and you've foundthe perfect advisor for you, simply send your question.Get inspiration for your life.• You can send your question to the timeline, and an advisor willanswer you. Your question, and their answer will appear(anonymously) on the public timeline, allowing other users like youto get inspired by reading them.• Browse through the timeline, and find out the most commonquestions are solved in the spiritual community. The anonymousquestions and insightful answers on the timeline will help you aswell!Like & share your favorite timeline post.• Do you find an answer inspiring? Then hit the "like" button &share what has inspired you via WhatsApp, Facebook, or email withyour friends and family.Show empathy to fellow fortunica users.• Do you have a question about the timeline? Send them some love bypressing the heart icon on their message.What to ask?• Have you met someone on Tinder, Bumble or MeetMe? Want to know ifthis relationship will last into the future? Connect with theadvisors that can tell you if you are soulmates.• Want to fix your limping relationship or know if you will get tomeet an old friend again? Ask an advisor to check with their tarotcards, peek into their crystal balls, or swing their pendulums foryou!• Been offered an exciting job opportunity via LinkedIn, Indeed, orJobcase and urgently need help making the right decision for yourcareer? Advisors have helped many others like you to make the rightdecisions.What services?• Astrologers read the stars and constellations for you,fortune-tellers use their tarot, angel, and lenormand cards to helpyou make the right decisions. Experienced psychics, mediums andclairvoyants are using their pendulums, and crystal balls to guideyou through your life with their spiritual insights. Other excitingmethods such as reiki, runes, horoscopes are also at yourdisposal.What will your decision be?• No matter what kind of question you have in mind: love,relationships, job & career development, destiny, grief &loss, or essential changes In the an advisor who wants to.Email us with your questions and feedback . We are looking forward to hearing fromyou!
fortunica OLD 2.0.7
adviqo AG
This app will no longer be supported. Pleasedownload our new app at app is outdated and stays in the shop for upgrade reasons.We are sure you will LOVE our new app and the new features wewill start releasing soon!Have a nice day :-)
LiftMeApp - Spiritual Guidance 1.4.0
adviqo AG
“LiftMeApp” is your accessible, personalspiritual companion on your good and bad days. It can literallylift you up and give you a boost just when you need it. At home oron the move, this helpful app ensures you can easily and quickly beconnected to trusted psychics, at any time. Do you have a questionabout a relationship, a job or your personal development? Use ourChat service and send a question to one of our Readers. Do you needmore details about a complicated issue? Then use our Callfunctionality and our Readers will guide you. Choose from aselection of friendly psychics, Tarot Readers, Clairvoyants,Astrologers, Mediums and more!Now with the LiftMeApp Timeline!All questions to a random Reader are published in the timeline soyou can read through questions other customers have already asked –and get inspiration to ask your own questions. All users remainanonymous. Download the app and contact a random Reader today.LiftMeApp is so easy to use:1. Select a Reader2. Register your details to log in3. Send a question or call the selected Reader4. Enjoy your readingYour LiftMeApp Benefits:1. Quickly receive spiritual advice anytime, whenever and whereveryou need it2. Be easily in contact with our carefully selected Readers forconfidential advice3. Use our in-app purchase functionality to simply and quicklycontact our expertsTry LiftMeApp and receive:- 3 “quick answers” or 3 mins for a call FREE- A selection of tested Readers to choose from- Opportunity to Chat with or Call a tested Reader- Quick & immediate personal advice- Uplifting spiritual guidance whenever, wherever you need itTry LiftMeApp for free and become one of our happycustomers!
Vivado-Lebensberatung live 1.10
adviqo AG
Vivado – Lebensberatung so nah, als wären Sieda!Wohin führt mich mein Lebensweg? Wie geht es in der Liebe für michweiter? Was bringt die Zukunft? Unsere Astrologen, Hellseher undKartenleger helfen Ihnen Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zu finden.Vivado bietet Ihnen spirituelle Lebensberatung in einer ganz neuen,intimen Atmosphäre: Kompetente und erfahrene Berater beantwortenper Kamera einfühlsam Ihre ganz persönlichen Fragen zu Liebe,Partnerschaft, Familie, Beruf und Selbstverwirklichung.Downloaden Sie jetzt die Vivado-AppOb Kartenlegen, Wahrsagen oder Hellsehen: Wählen Sie aus einerVielzahl erfahrener Berater den für Sie passenden Ansprechpartner.In einem kostenlosen Video-Chat können Sie Ihren Wunschberater livekennenlernen und herausfinden, ob Ihr Favorit tatsächlich zu Ihnenund Ihrer Situation passt.Starten Sie dann einfach die persönliche Beratung, um ein Gesprächunter vier Augen zu führen und mehr über Ihre Zukunft zu erfahren.Dank der Vivado-App erleben Sie Ihren Berater dabei so nah, alswären Sie da: Der innovative Live-Video-Call bietet Ihnen dieMöglichkeit, Ihren Berater während der Beratung live per Kamera zuerleben.Viele Fragen? Vivado hat die Antworten!Sie haben jemanden kennengelernt und möchten wissen, ob die neueLiebe eine Chance hat? Stehen Sie vor einer Entscheidung undbrauchen dringend einen Rat? Holen Sie sich bei den einfühlsamenVivado-Beratern Unterstützung. Astrologen deuten Ihre Sterne,Kartenleger geben mit wunderschönen Kartendecks wie Tarot oderLenormand Auskunft über Ihre Zukunft, erfahrene Hellseher undWahrsager weisen Ihnen einen guten Weg mit Pendel oder mit Hilfeder Engel.Welche Lebensfrage beschäftigt Sie gerade? Stellen Sie sie jetztund bekommen Sie in einer spirituellen Lebensberatung perLive-Video-CAll eine Antwort, die Ihr Leben positivverändert.Genießen Sie viele Vorteile der Vivado-AppUnverbindlich anmeldenMelden Sie sich einfach kostenlos und unverbindlich mit IhrerE-Mailadresse an. Als Dankeschön erhalten Sie von uns einen kleinenWillkommensbonus.Erfahrene BeraterWählen Sie aus einer großen Auswahl professioneller Astrologen,Hellseher, Kartenleger und Wahrsager. Alle mit „Live“gekennzeichneten Berater sind sofort für Sie da und beantwortenIhre Fragen im Live-Video-Call.JederzeitDank der Vivado-App haben Sie Ihre Lieblingsberater immer dabei. Sokönnen Sie Ihre Fragen ganz flexibel, zu jeder Zeit und von überallbesprechen.Kostenloser Video-Free-ChatWählen Sie aus der Liste der Live-Berater Ihren Favoriten aus. Aufdem Profil des Beraters können Sie in einem öffentlichen Video-Chattesten, ob der Berater Ihren Ansprüchen genügt.Kostenlos und unverbindlich.Persönliche Beratung im Live-Video-CallSobald Sie Ihren Lieblingsberater gefunden haben, können Sie mitihm in eine ganz private Einzelberatung gehen. Dabei haben Sieverschiedene Möglichkeiten mit Ihrem Berater zu kommunizieren. Siekönnen frei wählen, ob Sie mit ihm per Text-Chat schreiben, mit ihmsprechen oder er Sie sogar per Cam-to-Cam beraten darf sprich Sieihm Ihr Bild ebenfalls senden. Für welche Art der Beratung Sie sichauch entscheiden, wir sind sicher, dass Sie sich wohl fühlen.MessengerNutzen Sie den integrierten Messenger, um Vivado-Beratern einekostenlose Nachricht zu senden, z. B. zur Abfrage derErreichbarkeit oder um einen Termin für eine Beratung zuvereinbaren.Kostenlose HoroskopeFreuen Sie sich auf kostenlose Horoskope für Ihr eigenes und alleanderen Sternzeichen. Dank Tageshoroskop, Wochenhoroskop undMonatshoroskop wissen Sie immer, was Sie erwartet.Mein VivadoIn Ihrem persönlichen Kundenbereich haben Sie stets eine Übersichtüber Ihr aktuelles Guthaben und Ihre letzten Gespräche –transparent und übersichtlich.Vivado - Counseling asclose as if you were there!Where does me my life? How is the love for me next? What liesahead? Our astrologer, clairvoyant and fortune tellers help to findanswers to your questions. Vivado offers spiritual counseling in acompletely new, intimate atmosphere: Competent and experiencedconsultants answer my camera empathetic your personal questionsabout love, partnership, family, work and self-realization.Download now the Vivado AppWhether card readings, fortune telling or clairvoyance: Choose froma variety of experienced consultants to suit you contact. In a freevideo chat, you can request your consultant know live and find outif your favorite actually fits you and your situation.then just start the personal advice to lead a private conversationand learn more about your future. Thanks to the Vivado appexperience your adviser to be as close as if you were there: Theinnovative live video call gives you the opportunity to experienceyour adviser during the counseling live via camera.Many questions? Vivado has the answers!You have met someone and want to know if the new love has a chance?Are you facing a decision and urgently need advice? Get in thesensitive Vivado consultants support. Astrologers interpret yourstar, fortune tellers give with beautiful decks of cards as tarotor Lenormand information about your future, experienced clairvoyantand fortune-tellers have you a good way with pendant or with thehelp of the angels.What vital question you busy now? Ask it now and get into aspiritual life counseling via live video CAll a response thatchanges your life positively.Enjoy many benefits of Vivado AppBy signing a non-bindingSimply sign up for free and without commitment with your emailaddress. As a thank you will get a small welcome bonus.Experienced consultantsChoose from a great selection of professional astrologer,clairvoyant, fortune tellers and soothsayers. All advisors marked"Live" are immediately available to you and answer your questionsin a live video call.At any timeThanks to the Vivado app you have your favorite consultant always.How to make your questions flexibly, at any time and from anywhereto discuss.Free Video Free ChatChoose from the list of live advisor from your favorites. On theprofile of the consultant, you can test in a public video chatwhether the adviser meets your requirements.Free and without obligation.Personal advice in live video callOnce you have your favorite consultant found, you can go with himin a very private individual counseling. You have several ways tocommunicate with your advisor. You can choose whether you write tohim via text chat, talk to him or he you even may advise viacam-to-cam so that means you also send him your picture. For whatkind of advice you choose, we are sure that you feelcomfortable.MessengerUse the integrated Messenger to send a free message Vivadoconsultants to arrange such. As to query the availability or tomake an appointment for a consultation.Free HoroscopesIt offers free horoscopes for your own and all other signs. Thanksto daily horoscope, weekly horoscope and monthly horoscope youalways know what to expect.My VivadoIn your personal account, you always have an overview of yourcurrent balance and your recent conversations - transparent andclear.